Sabancı Holding and Ageas, Decided to Increase Their Aksigorta Shares Together


In order to boost the existing partnership between Hacı Ömer Sabancı Holding A.Ş. and Ageas even more, the two groups decided to obtain Aksigorta A.Ş. stocks together.

Sabancı Holding and Ageas each currently holds, 30.99% stocks at Aksigorta. The partners aim to acquire equal number of Aksigorta shares from Istanbul Stock Exchange within the duration of 12 months. The amount of shares to be obtained by Sabancı Holding and Ageas together will depend on the actual progress of Aksigorta stock price, but it will not be more than 10% of the total amount of stocks obtained from Aksigorta. When total stock rates exceed the related thresholds, approvals will be required from regulative authorities.

Purchasing transactions will be conducted by Ak Yatırım Menkul Değerler AŞ on behalf of Sabancı Holding and Ageas.